The vegetation layer
The vegetation layer of green roofs consists of vegetation mats covered in at least 70% with ready-made vegetation. The plants used to create our green roof systems are selected individually. Not every plant is able to develop in extreme roof environment. The mixtures selected by us consist of various species of mosses, sedum, grasses, herbs and many others. When the plant layer of a green roof becomes green, it is rolled up and transferred onto the roof on a previously prepared substrate. Thanks to the fact that the plants are grown earlier, we can be sure that nothing bad can happen with our green roof, and besides, we obtain an immediate effect of full greening. The extensive XERO FLOR green roof system is basically self-sufficient and cares for itself. The state of stress in plants, caused e.g. by the lack of water, is compensated by specially selected mechanisms. On the one hand, the death of old plants, and on the other hand, the natural sowing and development of young plants take place in a closed system with continuous biological renewal and regeneration of plants. A circulation that can only be carefully supported is not subject to intensive care treatments. Therefore, no herbicides may be used. The minimum care treatments include regular inspection and cleaning of roof drains in spring and autumn, as well as removal of roots of other plants.
Designed for pitched roofs with an inclination angle of 30o -45o, it can be used on flat roofs where the vegetation layer is GF WR 1000 geotextile or XF 107 hygroscopic rock wool. The mat is made of nylon loops, laminated at the bottom with geotextile, on which there is a mineral substrate with growing plants. The substrate provides plants with the right amount of substances for life and development, and thanks to the strong nylon loops, the roots of the plants are permanently linked with the mat, growing and developing on the highest slopes. The vegetation on the mat is a combination of moss, multicolor sedum and herbs. The mat weighs up to 30 kg/m2 in a water-soaked condition. According to the FLL guidelines, it is covered in at least 70% with greenery when delivered to the destination place.
Designed for roofs with a slope of 0o to 30o. It is made of a loop mat
made of PA (LIGHT) polyamide fibers, on which there is a properly selected substrate. It provides plants with the right amount of substances for life and development, and thanks to the loop mat, roots of the plants grow and develop properly in the three-dimensional fibers. The vegetation on the mat is a combination of moss, herbs and multicolor sedum. It weighs up to 25 kg/m2 in a water-soaked condition. According to the FLL guidelines, it is covered in at least 70% with greenery when delivered to the destination place.